第249回オルガン・1ドルコンサート 4つのエレメンツ 出演:マーク・フィッツェ
来て見てきいて、オルガン "ルーシー"
日時 | 2025年1月22日(水) 12:20開演(11:40開場) |
会場 | 大ホール |
出演 |
オルガン:マーク・フィッツェ |
曲目 |
【Water】C. Debussy(transcribed for organ by Marc Fitze):Cathédrale engloutie 【Wind】J. Alain:Berceuse sur deux notes qui cornent 【Earth】F. Chapelet:Etna 71 (based on audio tapes from the active vulcano) 【Fire】Manuel de Falla(transcribed for organ by Marc Fitze):Danza ritual del Fuego (Fire Dance) from „Amor brujo“ |
料金 |
全席:1USドル紙幣 または 100円 入場料は100円の代わりに1USドル(紙幣のみ)でもお入りいただけます。 *3歳未満のお子様は1階客席ホワイエにモニターを設置した専用席でご鑑賞ください。3歳以上未就学のお子様を同伴のお客様は1階客席の専用エリアへのご着席をお願い申し上げます。 *車椅子でご来場のお客様はスペースの都合上、あらかじめ横浜みなとみらいホールオルガン担当(045-682-2020)までお問い合わせください。 |
主催 | 横浜みなとみらいホール(公益財団法人横浜市芸術文化振興財団) |
助成 | 文化庁文化芸術振興費補助金(劇場・音楽堂等機能強化推進事業[地域の中核劇場・音楽堂等活性化事業])│独立行政法人日本芸術文化振興会 |
協賛 | 株式会社ヤマハミュージックリテイリング 横浜店 |
チケットお取り扱い | 事前予約不可。当日会場でお支払いください。 |
お問合せ | 横浜みなとみらいホールチケットセンター
(電話10:00-17:00/窓口11:00-19:00 休館日・保守点検日を除く) |
Marc Fitze(Organ)
MARC FITZE is titular organist at the Heiliggeistkirche in Berne, professor for organ at the Conservatory of Berne, and artictic director of the Baroque Center of Heiliggeistkirche. He performs regularly in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Spain, Ukraine, Mexiko, Israel, the Nederlands, the USA and Japan. In recent years he has taken part as a soloist in many prestigious concert series and performed at the Lucerne Festival, Minato Mirail Hall Yokohama, Eglise St. Clothilde de Paris, Victoria Hall Genève, International Organ Festival Rapallo, St. Bavo Haarlem, etc. He has made radio and CD recordings in Switzerland, in the UK and in the USA. He is a member of the Association des Amis de l’Art de Marcel Dupré, and successor of Marie-Claire Alain as vice-president of the international Jehan Alain association based in Romainmôtier. Marc Fitze received his musical training at the Music Academy Basel in the organ class of Guy Bovet, and at New England Conservatory of Music in Boston, with Prof. Yuko Hayashi. He completed his master diploma and soloist’s diploma in Basel 2002. He was awarded the Hans-Balmer prize for the best organ diploma of the year. During and after those studies he participated in masterclasses with Marie-Claire Alain, Jean Boyer, William Porter, Luigi Ferdinando Tagliavini, Peter Planyavsky and Joris Verdin. He has also specialized in the art harmonium and its historical performance, and has a private collection of historical keyboard instruments. As harmonium player he has appeared in concerts with the Vienna Symphony Orchestra under Sir Mark Elder, Musikkollegium Wintherthur, Berner Symphonie Orchester, Zürcher Kammerorchester etc.www.marcfitze.com